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Announcing CommuniKIDS, a new and freely available pediatric Plain Language Result Summary Template

CommuniKIDS, a freely accessible trial results template was developed to support researchers convey clinical trial results back to participating youth and their families.

The editable CommuniKIDS template comes with instructions as well as a “tip sheet” that provides additional guidance on how to use the template. The CommunKIDS template and tip sheet, available in both English and French, can be found on the CommuniKIDS webpage here. The webpage also has an example template, additional links to resources and tools for creating plain language summaries, and a video on how CommuniKIDS was developed.

The project team, which consisted of a diverse group of researchers, healthcare professionals (e.g., clinician, nurse, dietician), and patient/public engagement members (e.g., patient partners, parent partners), worked in partnership with youth and parents through a series of virtual workshops to adapt the original Clinial Trials Ontario template to meet the needs of sharing pediatric research results with participants and their families.

The development of CommuniKIDS was funded by a knowledge translation grant from the CHILD-BRIGHT Network to Dr. Nancy Butcher in partnership and supported by Clinical Trials Ontario, the INFORM-RARE Network, and the EnRICH Research Group (The Hospital for Sick Children).


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